{ "now": "2025-02-22T22:06:42.606Z", "expiry": "2025-02-22T22:06:47.107Z" }
As we encounter God and learn about Jesus, the way we think, our priorities and our way of life is transformed. We all express this differently, but when we follow Jesus, He changes how we view and respond to our everyday way of life.
We value being PRESENT, AUTHENTIC, COURAGEOUS and GENEROUS. These values are lenses that help us evaluate our heartbeat as a church community and as individuals. As we allow Jesus to transform us, the ripple will be felt in the relationships we share with others in our local and global community. It only takes a small stone to create many ripples across a body of water. So too, we can create a ripple effect with our family, friends and neighbours as we are transformed in the Name of Jesus.
Our Sunday gatherings start at 10am at the Ministry Centre (91 River Road). The time together includes worship in song, communion, prayer and a Biblically-based sermon, followed by a fellowship over morning tea.
Our children’s ministry, RIVERkids, runs during the sermon on the first, third and fifth Sundays of the month.
The Ministry Centre is easily accesible for wheelchairs and strollers. We have a dedicated Parents Room, as well as a Sensory Room. The Sensory Room is designed to be a therapeutic space, particularly but not exclusively, for children aged 4-12 with elevated sensory needs. It is a place where, accompanied by an adult, children can calm and regulate themselves in order to re-engage in worship and interaction with others.
Thinking you need to be wearing your Sunday best? Only if you want to! We simply extend an invitation to come with a willingness to engage together, learn together and connect during the week to continue the conversation.
We are a Safe Church with all steps completed as per Churches of Christ Vic/Tas requirements. These steps are designed to ensure we have safeguards in place so that all people, especially children and those who are vulnerable, experience a safe place at Horsham Church of Christ.